Welcome to Woodworks Made Easy

Practice any art, however well or badly, not to get money and fame, but to find out what's inside you.
--- Kurt Vonnegut

Pictures are meant to be self explanatory, and for visual clarity you may
click on each photo to enlarge. For older projects see Blog Archive. I don't specialize on a particular genre so there is quite a variety of projects for a number of different interests.

Even if you are not a woodworker but you like some or all of the projects, have your local crafts person make them for you from the ideas and photos you see here. For a particular project just click the specific title on the Blog Archive list (right side column below).

For anyone willing to learn or begin to do woodworking for the first time, please read first from the Blog Archive, "How and Where to Begin a Woodworking Hobby.

And it is not for men only. Read my note on "Women in Woodworking" from Blog Archive, April 2010.

click on each photo to enlarge

Saturday, March 16, 2019

Micro Projrct for Micro Tools

For over a few years now I did several micro projects as stands for small household items that ordinarily get shoved into drawers or laid on the kitchen table or desk: pocket knives, small flashlight, pens and pencils, etc. We all know what happens when we need them. It's a lot easier to find them when they're out in the open or when there is a power failure at night, you'd know where that little flashlight is.

A hobbyist woodworker has the advantage of being able to dabble in all kinds of projects - from big to small, from macro projects like a bed or desk to micro ones. I find micro projects a great destination for scrap wood. While I throw away a good amount of scrap, usually soft wood, I hold on to pieces of hard wood or exotic ones, as was the case here.

This project is appropriate because it is a stand or holder of a handful of micro tools, such as the sets of screw drivers and a pair of tweezers with tiny magnifying glass (very handy when I get a splinter) to fix the hinges on eye glasses. Micro tools are a must for replacing small batteries on small gadget controls, even watches, etc.

NOTE: While the reader is not expected to do a project exactly like this one, the techniques and tips here are worth noting.

Micro projects may be small but they require the same precision if not more so sometimes.

The base holder of this set of micro tools is a pentagon. Cutting miters to 36 deg. at each end of five equal pieces make a pentagon.

Tip: Rubber bands are perfect clamping tools for small pieces like this.

I laminated a light colored hardwood - pink flame - with walnut pieces.

Tip: Use a spacer along the saw fence to trim off uneven ends.

This is where a router table is so valuable. 

Tip: The only safe way to trim or cut off small pieces is to clamp it on a sliding sled. A long time ago I spent the time to make this jig exactly for the purpose of dealing with small pieces.  It comes in handy when you need, so keep it close by.
A bench hook, which I covered earlier is simply a good accessory on standby , such as when you need to do some some sanding of small pieces.

The next two photos below shows how much time I spent to figure out how the screw diver set will "seat" properly on the stand. 

If I may say so myself I thought this was a clever idea. 

A snapshot of the micro pieces which are obviously not ordinarily located in one place but were made to huddle here for a photo shoot. I'm sure I'll do another one when the need arises.

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