Welcome to Woodworks Made Easy

Practice any art, however well or badly, not to get money and fame, but to find out what's inside you.
--- Kurt Vonnegut

Pictures are meant to be self explanatory, and for visual clarity you may
click on each photo to enlarge. For older projects see Blog Archive. I don't specialize on a particular genre so there is quite a variety of projects for a number of different interests.

Even if you are not a woodworker but you like some or all of the projects, have your local crafts person make them for you from the ideas and photos you see here. For a particular project just click the specific title on the Blog Archive list (right side column below).

For anyone willing to learn or begin to do woodworking for the first time, please read first from the Blog Archive, "How and Where to Begin a Woodworking Hobby.

And it is not for men only. Read my note on "Women in Woodworking" from Blog Archive, April 2010.

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Thursday, May 13, 2021

5th Version, Same Theme

I shamelessly invoke a parallel from one of my favorite composers to semi-justify the compulsion to make another version of an earlier project. 

"Rachmaninoff's Rhapsody on a theme of Paganini, Variation 18, Solo Piano". The composer actually had 24 variations of the same theme.

So, here I am making another one of the same micro-project with a variation. This project is the least I can do for all the favors we've had from the husband and wife next door neighbors.

Lumber prices had gone up lately by about 300%. Suddenly the scrap wood I had saved is worth a lot more than firewood 😇. Actually, I've thrown away more than I had saved but exotic hardwood scrap pieces are always worth holding on to and here is a fine example of "why".  Plus, the variation calls for an equilateral triangle to make this version of a pan/pot cover stand.


Wood is "pink flame" or ivory wood

Equilateral triangles - so called the perfect triangle - was more challenging to fashion from wood than I had earlier envisioned, especially with small pieces. Working with power tools is inherently dangerous if not executed properly but more so by a factor of many when dealing with small pieces, such as 4 inch by 4 inch parts.

The perfect triangle requires for all three sides to be of the same length and, more critically, each three internal angle should be perfect 60 degrees. 

I must first come up with a jig.  By the way, this is the only way to cut small pieces; otherwise, it is "living dangerously".

Quick review of high school geometry says that each leg joint of the equilateral triangle must be cut with a 30 degree angle so that the joined pieces will produce a 60 degree internal angle.

Cut a scrap hardboard to a 30 degree miter.

Cut a 90 degree perpendicular on one adjacent side.

While at it, I decided to cut a 45 X 45 degree triangle for some future use for another jig.

The 30 X 60 degree hardboard acts as a fixed guide on the table saw sled and with the aid of three shop-made clamps, each work piece is cut safely and accurately.

Earlier I did cut a prototype triangle on some zebra wood.

Held down by the clamp on the right is a stop block mitered to 30 degrees to insure that each leg is of equal length with all the others.

As mentioned in an earlier version, these stands are not necessarily a must but simply nice-to-have items in the kitchen.  But it does help by keeping the cover above the counter top during cooking when it calls for the cover to rest somewhere while keeping the pot or pan open while stirring or when adding other ingredients as cooking continues.

By the way, these seemingly frail looking micro-structures will withstand a static vertical load more than a thousand times its own weight!

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