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Practice any art, however well or badly, not to get money and fame, but to find out what's inside you.
--- Kurt Vonnegut

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click on each photo to enlarge. For older projects see Blog Archive. I don't specialize on a particular genre so there is quite a variety of projects for a number of different interests.

Even if you are not a woodworker but you like some or all of the projects, have your local crafts person make them for you from the ideas and photos you see here. For a particular project just click the specific title on the Blog Archive list (right side column below).

For anyone willing to learn or begin to do woodworking for the first time, please read first from the Blog Archive, "How and Where to Begin a Woodworking Hobby.

And it is not for men only. Read my note on "Women in Woodworking" from Blog Archive, April 2010.

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Thursday, February 9, 2023

The Other Method of Hanging an Orchid Indoor

As always, with most hobbyists, we learn immediately after finishing a project, another method of doing something.  Whether it is one or two more steps or one completely different way, we find that there is a better way, or at the very least, just merely a different way.  That's what makes hobbies interesting, if not only less boring.  And it can go either way in terms of complexity.  One may simplify a method, or make it more complicated.  And then I tried another use for baking soda - in the glue up process.  Baking soda, like vinegar, continues to be one household item that is always looking for another way to be useful.

First, for the "ears" I found some left over polycarbonate.  Its white color matches with the ceramic container.  As with the previous project I drilled three equidistant holes around the rim and fastened the "ears" like so, below. 

I used the baking soda powder as filler between the gap before smearing  drops of the CA glue (crazy glue) at the joints.  I sprayed an accelerator to instantly harden the glued joints.

Another simplified step in the process was to merely drill holes at both ends of the clear 1/4 inch polycarbonate rod.  Two ordinary key rings completed both ends for hooks to connect to.

Tiny holes drilled on each of the three "ears" provide a way to thread the strings that are secured with tiny rings that act as stoppers.  The two following photos best explain how they work.

The second orchid to the right (first project) had already lost its bloom. But there is hope it will continue to grow.  The sellers of orchids finally let out the secret to watering.  These orchids came with a watering cup.  The grower recommends two of these once a week. It is actually the equivalent to the volume of water in one standard kitchen measuring cup.

Hobby Lobby and online retailers, including Wal-Mart, sell CA and accelerators.  BSI - the brand I've been using - sell both as a pack. And don't forget the humble baking soda, if you need it as a filler.  I've red that Styrofoam - crushed or shredded to fine particles work just as well.

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